Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Welcome to my blogspot!

Well, this is my first time here. Anyways, I'm here to blog my latest art work and some current events happening in my life(and art). I only draw anime, so if you are requesting me to draw something like real humans and stuff...sorry, wrong person to ask to draw those kinds of things.

But anyway, my art progress. In my progress, I'm starting to get very detailed in my clothing texture and facial features in anime/manga. Boy, my manga group would be pleased. But I need to be practicing landscapes and buildings and dramatic effects.

Sigh...I will never reach that.

Anyways, I got to go. I gots some homework to do and a life to enjoy.

-Julia Velasquez.

1 comment:

DJMidnite said...

omg wow thanks for the comment hehe i do owe you. But that was a very like, how to say it... uhh warm feeling comment u sent me. It made me feel all like noticed or i mean like at least not left out. So i read ur whole comment and yes yes, everything u told me is what i have always thought... block out the evil(false and bad negative thoughts) and to be positive and go for what i want. I like to say, i be the boss of my life. Or where i go.
And i see u made ur own blogging. I hope it goes well. im subscribing, and cant wait to see what kind of art you have coming =D I bet its awesome! hehe

So thank you again for reading and giving me support!
Your Awesome.